Microservices Architecture Design

Update your IT systems using adaptable, dependable, and autonomous microservices applications.


Years of experience in IT


Shorter time-to-market delivery


Project complated

About Microservices Architecture Design

Microservices represent a methodology or approach within software development, where applications function as nimble, independently connected services. This architecture enables the attainment of optimal levels in application or software development and deployment, ensuring their robustness and dependability.

At Tirzok, we possess adept expertise in constructing and assimilating microservices architectures, along with their subsequent refinement. Our dedicated team at Tirzok is committed to crafting products in a contemporary manner, enabling businesses to expand and adapt without being confined by application constraints.

Microservice  Benefits


Each unit operates independently, ensuring that if one unit fails, the entire application remains unaffected.


Easily incorporate or remove services and even technology stacks from your application as your needs evolve. There's no requirement to reconstruct the entire application framework.


Deploying microservices-based applications across multiple infrastructures, clouds, and servers requires less effort due to their heightened compatibility.


Agile development gains greater flexibility as applications can be deployed and updated more frequently.


This system is "polyglot," allowing development teams to employ any programming language or functional technology they deem most suitable for specific cases.


Developers maintain focus on their respective roles as there's no necessity to dissect the entire application to comprehend its functionality or interdependencies among system units.

Our Microservices Expertise


               We create new services and re-build monolithic systems. Programming languages:
              Golang, Java, Python, Ruby,  NodeJS etc.
              •  Infrastructure health audit 
              •  Analytics of the application performance 
              •  Troubleshooting and security hardening
              • We support your application 24/7/365, optimizing it and making more sustainable. 

              When Choosing our DevOps Consulting

              Cost Efficient

              Our seasoned engineers specialize in resource optimization, waste reduction, and delivering substantial value.

              Faster Time to Market

              Through our agile methodology, we expedite your software deployment. Employing CI/CD pipelines and automation, we streamline operations, remove obstacles, and expedite delivery timelines.

              Scalability and Flexibility

              We guarantee that your systems possess the agility to effortlessly scale according to demand. Embrace this adaptability and responsiveness to meet customer requirements and confidently foster business expansion.

              Enhanced Collaboration

              Our approach disintegrates barriers, promotes knowledge exchange, and fosters seamless collaboration, paving the way for successful project outcomes.

              Data Security

              Confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your sensitive data remain our priority throughout the developmental and operational phases.

              Customer Experience

              We fine-tune your software delivery process, ensuring swift feature releases, timely bug fixes, and ongoing enhancements.

              Enhance your delivery pipeline with DevOps by seamlessly building, testing, and releasing high-quality code.

              Frequently Asked Questions

              Have other questions? Email us at: contact@tirzokmsp.com

              It's true, that every business case is unique and requires tailored approaches. However, we advocate six principles for our clients and partners:

              1.  Think from the customer's perspective. Being customer-centric scales business and adds value.

              2.  End-to-end responsibility empowers each team member to deliver quality results and boosts team morale.

              3.  Continuous improvement and feedback drive enhancements. Embracing CI/CD ensures products become more user-friendly technically and personally.  

              4.  Automate wherever possible. Automation boosts productivity and eliminates manual errors and downtimes.  

              5.  Seamless collaboration among all teams is crucial. Communication gaps can lead to operational failures.  

              6.  Continuous testing and monitoring ensure top-notch deliverables. Even the best engineer needs proper testing for stable operations.

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              It's important to review the legal statements and terms of use of any website accessed through links from this Website. Your decision to link to any off-site pages or other websites is done at your own risk.

              DevOps aims to address the challenges in software development and IT operations by fostering collaboration, automating processes, and streamlining workflows. It helps in achieving faster delivery of high-quality software, enhancing deployment frequency, and improving overall efficiency and reliability in software development and delivery.

              You can adopt DevOps at any stage of your project or company's lifecycle. It's beneficial to start early, but it's never too late to integrate DevOps practices. The key is to gradually implement and adapt these practices to suit your specific needs and culture.

              DevOps helps organizations by speeding up software delivery, improving collaboration between teams, and enhancing the reliability and quality of software systems.

              DevOps challenges can include initial complexity, skill set requirements, security concerns, tool dependencies, cultural shifts, resource demands, and managing increasing complexity.

              Key DevOps KPIs include deployment frequency, lead time for changes, mean time to recovery (MTTR), and change failure rate, helping measure efficiency, speed, resilience, and deployment success for continuous improvement.

              Let's arrange a free consultation

              Just fill out the form below and we will contact you via email to arrange a free call to discuss your project and estimates.