DevOps as a Service

Attain concrete business benefits through Tirzok's DevOps solutions


Years of experience in IT


Shorter time-to-market delivery


Project completed

What is DevOps as a Service (DaaS)?

DevOps-as-a-Service (DaaS) empowers you to entrust all associated responsibilities, management, and system upkeep to a proficient DevOps services company and its engineers. This approach allows developers to concentrate on enhancing products and introducing new features.

DaaS encompasses a comprehensive set of top-tier DevOps practices tailored to your project, spanning from DevOps assessment and tooling to complete automation and streamlined delivery and deployment.

Tirzok offers comprehensive DevOps solutions for your digital transformation and efficient delivery. Consider outsourcing your DevOps needs to Tirzok today!

Impeccable Benefits of DevOps

Leverage DevOps practices to accelerate deployment speed while enhancing code quality. TIRZOK provides DevOps consulting services to expedite application delivery through DevOps methodologies.

Revolutionize your team's workflow by bridging the gap between development and operational services with comprehensive DevOps infrastructure management. Implement DevOps to enhance communication and collaboration across teams.

Our DevOps Services

  •  DevOps assessment & audit
  •  DevOps consulting
  •  Release management
  •   DevOps implementation from scratch - road mapping & strategy design
  • CI/CD
  •  Continuous integration (CI) implementation 
  •  Continuous delivery (CD) implementation 
  •  CI/CD consulting
  • Stand against brute force attacks, DDoS, code injections, and other attacks 
  • Encrypt data and be safe of mitm attacks
  •  Manage all types of access for personnel, services and third-party integrations
  •  Microservices architecture design
  •   Microservices consulting
  • Container management services
  •  Kubernetes managed services
  •   Security evaluation and hardening
  •  Log management
  •  Monitoring
  •  Reporting
  •  Alerting

When Choosing our DevOps Consulting

Cost Efficient

Our skilled engineers will enhance resource utilization, minimize waste, and create value.

Faster Time to Market

We expedite your software delivery with an agile approach. Through CI/CD pipelines and automation, we optimize processes, remove bottlenecks, and ensure faster deliveries.

Scalability and Flexibility

We guarantee the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your sensitive information during both the development and operational processes.

Enhanced Collaboration

We foster an approach that dismantles silos, promotes knowledge sharing, and facilitates effective collaboration, ensuring successful outcomes for your projects.

Data Security

We ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your sensitive information throughout the development and operational processes.

Customer Experience

We enhance your software delivery, ensuring swift feature releases, timely bug fixes, and continuous improvements.

Technology Tools

Pipeline a Continuous Business Delivery with DevOps

Build, test & release quality code seamlessly to enhance your delivery pipeline with DevOps

Frequently Asked Questions

Have other questions? Email us at:

Huh, it's a kind of a very abstract question. Each business case is unique and has its own needs / requirements, whatever. There are no well-trodden paths suitable for everyone. Anyway, we have 6 principles we advise our clients and partners to follow:

1. Think as if you were your customer .  Any action taken and decision made should be customer-centric. This would help scale business and add more value.

2. Each team member is responsible for his / her tasks. End-to-end responsibility allows deliver quality results and perk up a team. 

3. Continuous enhancement and feedback as a background for further improvements.  DevOps philosophy believes in CI/CD, which stands for continuous implementation and development, allowing the product/application/software to become more user-friendly from all sides - both technical and personal sides. 

4. Automate unautomatable.  Automation allows increasing productivity of development and eliminating of repeatable manual tasks, causing errors and downtimes. 

5. Well-tuned collaboration among ALL teams  (yes, it concerns everyone in the organization). Gaps in communication cause further failures in successful operations. 

6. To provide the best quality of a deliverable - test and monitor continuously.  Without proper testing and monitoring, even the best engineer in the world won't be able to deliver an stable operation.

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Let's arrange a free consultation

Just fill out the form below and we will contact you via email to arrange a free call to discuss your project and estimates.

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